The Handmaiden
Park Chan-wook’s masterpiece of a film in The Handmaiden is elevated to that status by its brilliantly engaging story, beautifully crafted production, and compellingly portrayed leading trio of characters, earning it a spot among the greats.

Memories of Murder
The greatness of Memories of Murder lies in its excellent execution of so many facets, with well-acted leading performances and a story that is one of the most compelling and engaging of its genre, deserving a place of recognition.

Decision to Leave
Park Chan-wook’s enthralling murder-mystery/romance hybrid achieves greatness through its excellent storytelling that balances familiar with unfamiliar thanks to the director’s unique vision and the actors’ solid performances in making Decision to Leave as great as it is.

The Wailing
The Wailing is a masterclass of maintaining the audience’s attention and a high level of suspense throughout a horror film without giving anything fully away.