Reversal of Fortune
The leading performances of Reversal of Fortune are what have earned it a place among the all-time greats, but none stand taller than Jeremy Irons’s Oscar-winning portrayal of Claus von Bülow, which keeps the audience guessing and almost rooting against the narrative at every turn while staying fully hooked into how it’ll all play out.

Young Mr. Lincoln
Between Henry Fonda’s excellent portrayal of the iconic president’s early years in law and the fascinating case study presented in the film’s legal drama, Young Mr. Lincoln cements an easily rewatchable spot among the Greatest Films of All Time.

Gett: The Trial of Viviane Amsalem
Gett: The Trial of Viviane Amsalem is carried by its lead actress/co-director/cowriter in the titular role, leaving a mark on international and feminist cinema that has to hold a place among the Greatest Films of All Time.

Erin Brockovich
As a vehicle for Julia Roberts’s leading performance, Erin Brockovich shines, shaping every bit of itself toward cementing its leading lady’s place in history (both the real Brockovich and Roberts for her performance), more than earning itself a place among the Greatest Films of All Time in the process.

Inherit the Wind
Incredibly modern and important themes couched in a brilliantly written and excellently acted two hours and eight minutes (give or take credits) earn Inherit the Wind a place of prominence among the Greatest Films of All Time.

The Verdict
Paul Newman, Charlotte Rampling, and James Mason give some excellent performances in The Verdict, allowing its message of justice winning the day to shine through, cliché though it may be, earning the film its place among the greats.

Argentina, 1985
Both of the film’s leading actors help tell the story that Argentina, 1985’s script so excellently seeks to portray, reminding us of the historical violence of fascism and the activism that is necessary to keep it from returning to the mainstream in Western political culture, making the Argentinian film truly one of the Greatest Films of All Time.