Princess Mononoke
Miyazaki’s beautifully animated film Princess Mononoke engages audiences with discussions on progress and tradition and the dangers of adhering to closely to one while ignoring the other against the backdrop of a compelling narrative about war and curses and princes.

Cinderella (1950)
Cinderella might be the best of the original three Disney princess films thanks to a winning combination of entertaining and engaging characters and iconic songs from top to bottom that have cemented its place among the Greatest Films of All Time.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Stunning spectacles capped off with a perfect climax, enhanced by the skillful acting of new, key supporting characters and its lead, have made Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire one of the most lastingly revered films of its franchise.

The Red Turtle
The Red Turtle’s artistic elements are what sets the film apart as deserving of a place among the Greatest Films of All Time.

Edward Scissorhands
Positivity through acceptance, love, and uniqueness pairs well with Edward Scissorhands’s aesthetically pleasing production design to create a film that fits the bill of Greatness.