Moonrise Kingdom
Moonrise Kingdom is the perfect coming-of-age film, delivering dramatic tension, romantic highs, and comedic situations through its excellent ensemble, brilliant writing, and on-point directorial choices from Wes Anderson, earning it an indisputable spot among the Greatest Films of All Time.
Stand by Me
Stand by Me’s familiar coming-of-age narrative is bolstered by its leading performers and a deep level of emotional poignancy, making this particular Stephen King adaptation worthy of its place among the Greatest Films of All Time.

Shaun the Sheep Movie
Positive and necessary messages set against a fast-paced story and high-quality animation make Shaun the Sheep Movie worthy of a place among the Greatest Films of All Time.

One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961)
A quality family film with one of the most iconic animated villains and a phenomenal soundtrack, One Hundred and One Dalmatians has earned a spot among the ranks of the Greatest Films of All Time.

In America
Honesty about the grieving process, powerfully emotional adult performances, and surprisingly well-done child acting are the building blocks that make In America a great film.

Finding Dory
Finding Dory may not be the most mature or perfectly crafted of Pixar’s films, but its loyalty to its brand of comedy, interesting setting, and relatable themes help make it a film worth watching.

Chicken Run
Chicken Run is a somewhat simplistic, child-friendly take on the escape genre of film, full of references to other movies in the genre with a wealth of humor for young and old audiences.