This Is Spinal Tap
This Is Spinal Tap is the perfect mockumentary – self-aware, intelligent, hilarious, and authentic in its message – and it stands the test of time in both its portrayal of the music industry and in its many bits of humor, earning it an irrefutable place among the Greatest Films of All Time.

The Princess Bride
For all the classic and iconic films of the 1980s, The Princess Bride stands above them all – full of iconic characters and even more iconic lines, it has cemented its place in film history and on this list of Greatest Films of All Time.

David Lynch’s Eraserhead contains an atmosphere of oppression and unease that makes it an impressive horror film that does more than just unnerve its viewers.

Donnie Darko
Donnie Darko is an interesting addition to the “Great Films” pantheon, blending science fiction, horror, high school, and nostalgia into an imperfect, yet compelling piece that warrants watching multiple times.