Moonrise Kingdom
Moonrise Kingdom is the perfect coming-of-age film, delivering dramatic tension, romantic highs, and comedic situations through its excellent ensemble, brilliant writing, and on-point directorial choices from Wes Anderson, earning it an indisputable spot among the Greatest Films of All Time.

Mississippi Burning
The film’s plethora of solid performances, highlighted by two Oscar nominees, go a long way in helping deliver the film’s undeniable message about the indoctrinated nature of racism in America, earning it a spot among the greats.

The Tragedy of Macbeth
Denzel Washington carries The Tragedy of Macbeth on his shoulders with the help of Frances McDormand and the rest of the supporting cast and an incredibly well-crafted production design and cinematographic offering.

Blood Simple
The Coen Brothers’ first outing – Blood Simple – suffers at times from its small budget and limited scope but is bolstered by their familiar style, a proto-No Country story, and a stellar breakout performance by Frances McDormand as their leading lady.