The Big Sick
In exploring the genre’s capability to tell true stories, The Big Sick elevates romantic comedy to a truly moving place in showcasing its writers’ relationship and its rocky beginnings in fully satisfying fashion, earning it recognition as one of the Greatest Films of All Time.

Hold Back the Dawn
Hold Back the Dawn attains its place of greatness thanks to the well-acted and compelling dramatic love triangle at its heart and its tangential portraits of immigrants that challenged current policy stances and serve as a solid reminder of America’s need for immigrants.

Stranger Than Paradise
Stranger Than Paradise’s story of ambition and discovery in America is carried by its three leads - Willie, Eva, and Eddie - who take the film’s simple concept and make it something worthy of a place among the greats.

In America
Honesty about the grieving process, powerfully emotional adult performances, and surprisingly well-done child acting are the building blocks that make In America a great film.