The Lion in Winter
Across the board, the film is well acted and well-put-together, providing a weighty and deeply engaging treat for any who give it the time of day, fully deserving of recognition among the greats.

Avengers: Endgame
Avengers: Endgame remains one of the most ambitious and well-executed cinematic event films ever that still tells a satisfying story while giving us entertaining action and character moments, earning the film a place alongside the greats.

The Bad and the Beautiful
The Bad and the Beautiful succeeds at telling an excellent story with excellent characters that simultaneously rips and celebrates Hollywood without ever gilding anything with a sense of nostalgia or reverence, earning the film a place of greatness.

Chariots of Fire
As it goes, Chariots of Fire holds up as a strong, well-acted, entertaining, and beautifully scored sports film that actually does earn its accolades and holds up fairly well on rewatch.

Moulin Rouge!
Baz Luhrmann’s Moulin Rouge! is a delight of a musical, complete with big numbers, catchy tunes, strong production value, and two romantic leads that fit the film’s needs perfectly all working in harmony to prove the film’s place among the Greatest Films of All Time.

A Clockwork Orange
A Clockwork Orange is this rich warning of the potential ills of a society that abandons its young people, headed by a stellar performance by its villain and protagonist Malcolm McDowell as Alex, more than deserving of recognition for greatness.

RRR feels in many ways like the ideal entrance for Western audiences into the world of Indian cinema; with a dramatic story that’s equal parts familiar and foreign and music and action that feel like the best of what Hollywood has ever tried to offer, it earns its place among the greats.

The Triplets of Belleville
Artistically, The Triplets of Belleville is certainly a triumph with plenty of unique art and pleasing audio callbacks to bygone eras to be deserving of its spot among the greats.

Your Name.
Makoto Shinkai’s Your Name. is among the best animated films ever made, complete with a compelling story, interesting themes, and a unique spin on familiar genres, which earns it a spot among the Greatest Films of All Time.

Pain and Glory
Pedro Almodóvar’s self-reflective auto-fiction film, Pain and Glory, earns a position among the greats thanks to excellence across the board; from story to themes to acting, it offers some of the best examples of filmmaking of the century so far.

Godzilla Minus One
Godzilla Minus One isn’t just one of the best monster/kaiju movies ever made, but simply one of the best films ever made thanks in large part to its great visuals and compelling story that blends excellently the two factors that make such films so popular.

Strangers on a Train
A rich tapestry of social themes and strong performances from the film’s leading men make it a film worth watching and one worthy of a place among the greats.

Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio
Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio is ultimately a triumph of both the animation craft and of storytelling, though, more than deserving of a place among the greats.

Beyond Utopia
Their stories still make it worth catching if that’s something you’re interested in learning more about, and it is an impressive documentary on those fronts, mostly deserving of its accolades.

The Producers
Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder provide the proper leading performances to bolster the brilliant satire of Mel Brooks in The Producers, cementing the film’s place among the Greatest Films of All Time.