Avengers: Endgame
Avengers: Endgame remains one of the most ambitious and well-executed cinematic event films ever that still tells a satisfying story while giving us entertaining action and character moments, earning the film a place alongside the greats.

The Kids Are All Right
Lisa Cholodenko’s The Kids Are All Right hits the right notes in its examination of the complex nature of family thanks to the combination of her writing and the perfect trio of leading performers to make it sing, earning it a place among the greats.

You Can Count on Me
In a film driven by its characters, You Can Count on Me is overflowing with human performances that lend themselves to a feeling of realness rarely seen in dramedies like this one, something that Lonergan excels at, and which makes this one of the Greatest Films of All Time.

Thor: Ragnarok
By utilizing its director’s brand of comedy for Thor, showcasing consistently entertaining action sequences, and delivering a consistently beautiful visual tableau, Thor: Ragnarok cements itself not only as one of the best superhero movies of all time but also one of the Greatest Films of All Time.